Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Quick ride today along a very nice stretch of Story County gravel. It goes South out of Ames and skirts I-35 for a brief stretch.  I had just enough time to get this one in and still leave myself available to help Mitchell glue the door handle back onto his car, and grab some drive thru too!  There are no photos of the ride, but it is a very picturesque stretch. One moment stands out, I was cresting a very minor hill and a farm dog ran smack into me! Like, off the top rope, "BAMM!" Body checked me and the bike! I laughed out loud and expressed  an audible WTF! He gave no warning bark at all, so I figure he was just seeing what he could get away with? Must have been raised by a hockey player. The are many more routes that could be linked to this one. Perhaps some photos will appear at a later date? There are 2 private water skiing ponds on the ride, and a private woodland preserve. The best part is that a minor amount of grid miles give way to a supple section of curves!